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CAFS literally started out as a saying amongst Ian Jackson and his friends. He took this "made up thing" and put it into the world knowing people would scratch their heads wondering what the heck it was, but he also knew if he spoke it into existence then other ppl would talk about like it's always existed.
The music gave him a platform to show and encourage others to TAKE AN IDEA, and MAKE IT REAL LIFE. The crazy thing about taking that simple step is that you OPEN YOUR OWN DOOR FOR OPPORTUNITIES. He said, "Trust me the possibilities only go as far as your own self perception.💡"
That's why #CAFS represents taking the blessings that God has placed in you and embracing the cool ass person he made. It's knowing how much your destiny can make a difference in other peoples lives. It's not just thinking positive, but actually being positivity in a world full of doubters and negativity.
Lastly, its INSPIRING others to do the same so this mindset will be passed down from generation to generation. We have enough things out here promoting brokenness anyways, right!? 
To show our appreciation  Ian Jackson (@iynjay) and Amy Williams (@amyamywilli) have a series of crewnecks coming. If you share the same beliefs or if anything you've read spoke to you then Join the movement! Think about getting yours today! 
Stay tuned and Remember to stay #CoolAlways&ForeverSmooth 👊
Tag someone who might need this today.
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